Package 'douconca'

Title: Double Constrained Correspondence Analysis for Trait-Environment Analysis in Ecology
Description: Double constrained correspondence analysis (dc-CA) analyzes (multi-)trait (multi-)environment ecological data by using the 'vegan' package and native R code. Throughout the two step algorithm of ter Braak et al. (2018) is used. This algorithm combines and extends community- (sample-) and species-level analyses, i.e. the usual community weighted means (CWM)-based regression analysis and the species-level analysis of species-niche centroids (SNC)-based regression analysis. The two steps use canonical correspondence analysis to regress the abundance data on to the traits and (weighted) redundancy analysis to regress the CWM of the orthonormalized traits on to the environmental predictors. The function dc_CA() has an option to divide the abundance data of a site by the site total, giving equal site weights. This division has the advantage that the multivariate analysis corresponds with an unweighted (multi-trait) community-level analysis, instead of being weighted. The first step of the algorithm uses vegan::cca(). The second step uses wrda() but vegan::rda() if the site weights are equal. This version has a predict() function. For details see ter Braak et al. 2018 <doi:10.1007/s10651-017-0395-x>.
Authors: Cajo J.F ter Braak [aut] , Bart-Jan van Rossum [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Bart-Jan van Rossum <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.2.2
Built: 2025-03-02 05:50:05 UTC

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Utility function: community-level permutation test in Double Constrained Correspondence Analysis (dc-CA)


anova_sites performs the community-level permutation test of dc-CA when site weights vary. The test uses residual predictor permutation (ter Braak 2022), which is robust against differences in site total abundance in the response in dc_CA (ter Braak & te Beest, 2022). The arguments of the function are similar to those of anova.cca, but more restricted. With equal site-totals as in dc_CA, anova(object$RDAonEnv) is much faster.


anova_sites(object, permutations = 999, by = NULL)



an object from dc_CA.


a list of control values for the permutations as returned by the function how, or the number of permutations required (default 999), or a permutation matrix where each row gives the permuted indices.


character "axis" which sets the test statistic to the first eigenvalue of the dc-CA model. Default: NULL which sets the test statistic to the inertia (sum of all double constrained eigenvalues; named constraintsTE in the inertia element of dc_CA). This is the trait constrained inertia explained by the environmental predictors (without covariates), which is equal to the environmentally-constrained inertia explained by the traits (without trait covariates). The default is quicker computationally as it avoids computation of an svd of permuted data sets.


The algorithm is analogous to that of anova.wrda. The function is used in anova.dcca.


A list with two elements with names table and eigenvalues. The table is as from anova.cca and eigenvalues gives the dc-CA eigenvalues.


ter Braak, C.J.F. & te Beest, D.E. 2022. Testing environmental effects on taxonomic composition with canonical correspondence analysis: alternative permutation tests are not equal. Environmental and Ecological Statistics. 29 (4), 849-868. doi:10.1007/s10651-022-00545-4

ter Braak, C.J.F. (2022) Predictor versus response permutation for significance testing in weighted regression and redundancy analysis. Journal of statistical computation and simulation, 92, 2041-2059. doi:10.1080/00949655.2021.2019256



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites

mod <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~ A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Manure,
             formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Seedmass + Lifespan,
             response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
             dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
             dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits,
             verbose = FALSE)

a_species <- anova_species(mod)
# anova_species can be used for manual forward selection of
# trait variables, as done for environmental variables in the demo 
# dune_FS_dcCA.r, based on the first eigenvalue and its significance
# and adding the first axis of the constrained species scores from mod to 
# the Condition of a new mod.
(eig1_and_pval <- c(eig = a_species$eig[1], pval = a_species$table$`Pr(>F)`[1]))

Utility function: Species-level Permutation Test in Double Constrained Correspondence Analysis (dc-CA)


anova_species performs the species-level permutation test of dc-CA which is part of anova.dcca. The test uses residual predictor permutation (ter Braak 2022), which is robust against differences in species total abundance in the response in dc_CA (ter Braak & te Beest, 2022). The arguments of the function are similar to those of anova.cca, but more restrictive.


anova_species(object, permutations = 999, by = NULL)



an object from dc_CA.


a list of control values for the permutations as returned by the function how, or the number of permutations required (default 999) or a permutation matrix where each row gives the permuted indices.


character "axis" which sets the test statistic to the first eigenvalue of the dc-CA model. Default: NULL which set the test statistic to the inertia (sum of all double constrained eigenvalues; named constraintsTE in the inertia element of dc_CA). This is the environmentally constrained inertia explained by the traits (without trait covariates), which is equal to the trait-constrained inertia explained by the environmental predictors (without covariates). The default is quicker computationally as it avoids computation of an svd of permuted data sets.


In anova_species, the first step extracts the species-niche centroids (SNC) with respect to all dc-CA ordination axes from an existing dc-CA analysis. The second step, applies a weighted redundancy analysis of these SNCs with the traits as predictors. The second step is thus a species-level analysis, but the final results (eigenvalues/ordination axes) are identical to those of the analyses steps in dc_CA.The second step uses R-code that is analogous to that of anova.wrda.


A list with two elements with names table and eigenvalues. The table is as from anova.cca and eigenvalues gives the dc-CA eigenvalues. This output can be used for scripting forward selection of traits, similar to the forward selection of environmental variables in the demo dune_select.r.


ter Braak, C.J.F. & te Beest, D.E. 2022. Testing environmental effects on taxonomic composition with canonical correspondence analysis: alternative permutation tests are not equal. Environmental and Ecological Statistics. 29 (4), 849-868. doi:10.1007/s10651-022-00545-4

ter Braak, C.J.F. (2022) Predictor versus response permutation for significance testing in weighted regression and redundancy analysis. Journal of statistical computation and simulation, 92, 2041-2059. doi:10.1080/00949655.2021.2019256



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites

mod <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~ A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Manure,
             formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Seedmass + Lifespan,
             response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
             dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
             dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits,
             verbose = FALSE)

a_species <- anova_species(mod)
# anova_species can be used for manual forward selection of
# trait variables, as done for environmental variables in the demo 
# dune_FS_dcCA.r, based on the first eigenvalue and its significance
# and adding the first axis of the constrained species scores from mod to 
# the Condition of a new mod.
(eig1_and_pval <- c(eig = a_species$eig[1], pval = a_species$table$`Pr(>F)`[1]))

Community- and Species-Level Permutation Test in Double Constrained Correspondence Analysis (dc-CA)


anova.dcca performs the community- and species-level permutation tests of dc-CA and combines these with the 'max test', which takes the maximum of the P-values. The function arguments are similar to (but more restrictive than) those of anova.cca.


## S3 method for class 'dcca'
anova(object, ..., permutations = 999, by = c("omnibus", "axis"))



an object from dc_CA.




a list of control values for the permutations for species and sites (species first, sites second, for traits and environment) as returned by the function how, or the number of permutations required (default 999, or a two-vector with the number for the species-level test first and that for the sites-level second), or a list of two permutation matrices (again, species first, sites second) where each row gives the permuted indices.


character "axis" which performs a series of tests, one for each axis, with the eigenvalue of the axis as test statistic. Default: NULL which sets the test statistic to the inertia (sum of all double constrained eigenvalues; named constraintsTE in the inertia element of dc_CA.

The interpretation of this inertia is, at the species-level, the environmentally constrained inertia explained by the traits (without trait covariates) and, at the community-level, the trait-constrained inertia explained by the environmental predictors (without covariates). The default (NULL) is computationally quicker as it avoids computation of an svd of permuted data sets.


In the general case of varying site abundance totals (divideBySiteTotals = FALSE) both the community-level test and the species-level test use residualized predictor permutation (ter Braak 2022), so as to ensure that anova.dcca is robust against differences in species and site total abundance in the response (ter Braak & te Beest, 2022). The community-level test uses anova_sites. For the species-level test, anova_species is used.

With equal site weights, obtained with = TRUE, the community-level test is obtained by applying anova to object$RDAonEnv using anova.cca. This performs residualized response permutation which performs about equal to residualized predictor permutation in the equi-weight case. The function anova.cca is implemented in C and therefore a factor of 20 or so quicker than the native R-code used in anova_sites.


A list of 3 of structures as from anova.cca. The elements are c("species", "sites", "maxP")


ter Braak, C.J.F. & te Beest, D.E. 2022. Testing environmental effects on taxonomic composition with canonical correspondence analysis: alternative permutation tests are not equal. Environmental and Ecological Statistics. 29 (4), 849-868. doi:10.1007/s10651-022-00545-4

ter Braak, C.J.F. (2022) Predictor versus response permutation for significance testing in weighted regression and redundancy analysis. Journal of statistical computation and simulation, 92, 2041-2059. doi:10.1080/00949655.2021.2019256



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites

mod <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~ A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Manure,
             formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Seedmass + Lifespan,
             response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
             dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
             dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits,
             verbose = FALSE)

a_species <- anova_species(mod)
# anova_species can be used for manual forward selection of
# trait variables, as done for environmental variables in the demo 
# dune_FS_dcCA.r, based on the first eigenvalue and its significance
# and adding the first axis of the constrained species scores from mod to 
# the Condition of a new mod.
(eig1_and_pval <- c(eig = a_species$eig[1], pval = a_species$table$`Pr(>F)`[1]))

Permutation Test for weighted redundancy analysis


anova.wrda performs residual predictor permutation for weighted redundancy analysis (wRDA), which is robust against differences in the weights (ter Braak, 2022). The arguments of the function are similar to those of anova.cca, but more restricted.


## S3 method for class 'wrda'
anova(object, ..., permutations = 999, by = c("omnibus", "axis"))



an object from dc_CA.




a list of control values for the permutations as returned by the function how, or the number of permutations required (default 999), or a permutation matrix where each row gives the permuted indices.


character "axis" which sets the test statistic to the first eigenvalue of the RDA model. Default: NULL which sets the test statistic to the weighted variance fitted by the predictors (=sum of all constrained eigenvalues). The default is quicker computationally as it avoids computation of an svd of permuted data sets.


The algorithm is based on published R-code for residual predictor permutation in weighted redundancy analysis (ter Braak, 2022), but using QR-decomposition instead of ad-hoc least-squares functions.


A list with two elements with names table and eigenvalues. The table is as from anova.cca and eigenvalues gives the wrda eigenvalues.


ter Braak, C.J.F. (2022) Predictor versus response permutation for significance testing in weighted regression and redundancy analysis. Journal of statistical computation and simulation, 92, 2041-2059. doi:10.1080/00949655.2021.2019256



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites
response <- dune_trait_env$comm[, -1]  # must delete "Sites"

w <- rep(1, 20) 
w[1:10] <- 8 
w[17:20] <- 0.5

object <- wrda(formula = ~ A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Condition(Manure),
               response = response, 
               data = dune_trait_env$envir, 
               weights = w)
object # Proportions equal to those Canoco 5.15

mod_scores <- scores(object, display = "all")
scores(object, which_cor = c("A1", "X_lot"), display = "cor")

Coefficients of double-constrained correspondence analysis (dc-CA)


Fourth-corner coefficients and regression coefficients (of full or reduced rank) to predict traits from environment, environment from traits and response from trait and environment data.


## S3 method for class 'dcca'
  type = c("fourth_corner", "all_reg", "env2traits_reg", "traits2env_reg"),
  rank = "full",
  normed = TRUE



return value of dc_CA.


Other arguments passed to the function (currently ignored).


type of coefficients, c("fourth_corner", "all_reg", "env2traits_reg", "traits2env_reg") for fourth-corner coefficients and regression coefficients for all trait x environmental predictors, environmental predictors only and trait predictors only for prediction of the (transformed) response, traits and environmental values, respectively.


rank (number of axes to use). Default "full" for all axes (no rank-reduction).


logical (default TRUE) giving standardized regression coefficients and biplot scores. When FALSE, (regular) regression coefficients and (unstandardized) biplot scores.


Regression coefficients are for standardized traits and environmental variables.

With covariates, coef() gives partialfourth-corner correlations. With rank = 2, coef() gives the two-dimensional approximation of the full-rank fourth-corner correlations in the biplot that displays the traits and environmental variables at arrow heads or points at scores(mod, display = c("bp", "bp_traits")).


a matrix with coefficients. The exact content of the matrix depends on the type of coefficient that is asked for.

Regression coefficients for a response variable are usually column-vectors. With X the matrix of units-by-predictors and B the matrix of predictors-by-response-variables, predictions or fits are of the form Y = XB. Analogously, type = "trait2env" gives a trait-by-environment matrix and type = "env2traits" gives an environment-by-trait matrix.



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites

mod <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~ A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Condition(Manure),
             formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Condition(Seedmass) + Lifespan,
             response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
             dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
             dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits,
             verbose = FALSE)

# regression coefficients
coef(mod, type = "env2traits")
coef(mod, type = "traits2env")
coef(mod, type = "fourth")
coef(mod, type = "all_reg")

Performs (weighted) double constrained correspondence analysis (dc-CA)


Double constrained correspondence analysis (dc-CA) for analyzing (multi-)trait (multi-)environment ecological data using library vegan and native R code. It has a formula interface which allows to assess, for example, the importance of trait interactions in shaping ecological communities. The function dc_CA has an option to divide the abundance data of a site by the site total, giving equal site weights. This division has the advantage that the multivariate analysis corresponds with an unweighted (multi-trait) community-level analysis, instead of being weighted (Kleyer et al. 2012).


  formulaEnv = NULL,
  formulaTraits = NULL,
  response = NULL,
  dataEnv = NULL,
  dataTraits = NULL,
  divideBySiteTotals = TRUE,
  dc_CA_object = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE



formula or one-sided formula for the rows (samples) with row predictors in dataEnv. When two-sided, the left hand side of the formula is not used. Specify row covariates (if any ) by adding + Condition(covariate-formula) to formulaEnv as in rda. The covariate-formula should not contain a ~ (tilde). Default: NULL for ~., i.e. all variables in dataEnv are predictor variables.


formula or one-sided formula for the columns (species) with column predictors in dataTraits. When two-sided, the left hand side of the formula is not used. Specify column covariates (if any ) by adding + Condition(covariate-formula) to formulaTraits as in cca. The covariate-formula should not contain a ~ (tilde). Default: NULL for ~., i.e. all variables in dataTraits are predictor traits.


matrix, data frame of the abundance data (dimension n x m) or list with community weighted means (CWMs) from fCWM_SNC. See Details for analyses starting from community weighted means. Rownames of response, if any, are carried through.


matrix or data frame of the row predictors, with rows corresponding to those in response. (dimension n x p).


matrix or data frame of the column predictors, with rows corresponding to the columns in response. (dimension m x q).


logical; default TRUE for closing the data by dividing the rows in the response by their total.


optional object from an earlier run of this function. Useful if the same formula for the columns (formulaTraits), dataTraits and response are used with a new formula for the rows. If set, the data of the previous run is used and the result of its first step is taken for the new analysis.


logical for printing a simple summary (default: TRUE)


Empty (all zero) rows and columns in response are removed from the response and the corresponding rows from dataEnv and dataTraits. Subsequently, any columns with missing values are removed from dataEnv and dataTraits. It gives an error ('name_of_variable' not found), if variables with missing entries are specified in formulaEnv and formulaTraits.

Computationally, dc-CA can be carried out by a single singular value decomposition (ter Braak et al. 2018), but it is here computed in two steps. In the first step, the transpose of the response is regressed on to the traits (the column predictors) using cca with formulaTraits. The column scores of this analysis (in scaling 1) are community weighted means (CWM) of the orthonormalized traits. These are then regressed on the environmental (row) predictors using wrda with formulaEnv or using rda, if site weights are equal.

A dc-CA can be carried out on, what statisticians call, the sufficient statistics of the method. This is useful, when the abundance data are not available or could not be made public in a paper attempting reproducible research. In this case, response should be a list with as first element community weighted means (e.g. list(CWM = CWMs)) with respect to the traits, and the trait data, and, optionally, further list elements, for functions related to dc_CA. The minimum is a list(CWM = CWMs, weight = list(columns = species_weights)) with CWM a matrix or data.frame, but then formulaEnv, formulaTraits, dataEnv, dataTraits must be specified in the call to dc_CA. The function fCWM_SNC and its example show how to set the response for this and helps to create the response from abundance data in these non-standard applications of dc-CA. Species and site weights, if not set in response$weights can be set by a variable weight in the data frames dataTraits and dataEnv, respectively, but formulas should then not be ~..

The statistics and scores in the example dune_dcCA.r, have been checked against the results in Canoco 5.15 (ter Braak & Šmilauer, 2018).


A list of class dcca; that is a list with elements


a cca.object from the cca analysis of the transpose of the closed response using formula formulaTraits.


the argument formulaTraits. If the formula was ~., it was changed to explicit trait names.


a list of Y, dataEnv and dataTraits, after removing empty rows and columns in response and after closure if divideBySiteTotals = TRUE and with the corresponding rows in dataEnv and dataTraits removed.


a list of unit-sum weights of columns and rows. The names of the list are c("columns", "rows"), in that order.


number of sites (rows).


Community weighted means w.r.t. orthonormalized traits.


a wrda object or cca.object from the wrda or, if with equal row weights, rda analysis, respectively of the column scores of the cca, which are the CWMs of orthonormalized traits, using formula formulaEnv.


the argument formulaEnv. If the formula was ~., it was changed to explicit environmental variable names.


the dc-CA eigenvalues (same as those of the rda analysis).


mean, sd, VIF and (regression) coefficients of the traits that define the dc-CA axes in terms of the traits with t-ratios missing indicated by NAs for 'tval1'.


a one-column matrix with, at most, six inertias (weighted variances):

  • total: the total inertia.

  • conditionT: the inertia explained by the condition in formulaTraits if present (neglecting row constraints).

  • traits_explain: the trait-structured variation, i.e. the inertia explained by the traits (without constaints on the rows and conditional on the Condition in formulaTraits). This is the maximum that the row predictors could explain in dc-CA (the sum of the last two items is thus less than this value).

  • env_explain: the environmentally structured variation, i.e. the inertia explained by the environment (without constraints on the columns but conditional on the Condition formulaEnv). This is the maximum that the column predictors could explain in dc-CA (the item constraintsTE is thus less than this value). The value is NA, if there is collinearity in the environmental data.

  • conditionTE: the trait-constrained variation explained by the condition in formulaEnv.

  • constraintsTE: the trait-constrained variation explained by the predictors (without the row covariates).

If verbose is TRUE (or after out <- print(out) is invoked) there are three more items.

  • c_traits_normed: mean, sd, VIF and (regression) coefficients of the traits that define the dc-CA trait axes (composite traits), and their optimistic t-ratio.

  • c_env_normed: mean, sd, VIF and (regression) coefficients of the environmental variables that define the dc-CA axes in terms of the environmental variables (composite gradients), and their optimistic t-ratio.

  • species_axes: a list with four items

    • species_scores: a list with names c("species_scores_unconstrained", "lc_traits_scores") with the matrix with species niche centroids along the dc-CA axes (composite gradients) and the matrix with linear combinations of traits.

    • correlation: a matrix with inter-set correlations of the traits with their SNCs.

    • b_se: a matrix with (unstandardized) regression coefficients for traits and their optimistic standard errors.

    • R2_traits: a vector with coefficient of determination (R2) of the SNCs on to the traits. The square-root thereof could be called the species-trait correlation in analogy with the species-environment correlation in CCA.

  • sites_axes: a list with four items

    • site_scores: a list with names c("site_scores_unconstrained", "lc_env_scores") with the matrix with community weighted means (CWMs) along the dc-CA axes (composite gradients) and the matrix with linear combinations of environmental variables.

    • correlation: a matrix with inter-set correlations of the environmental variables with their CWMs.

    • b_se: a matrix with (unstandardized) regression coefficients for environmental variables and their optimistic standard errors.

    • R2_env: a vector with coefficient of determination (R2) of the CWMs on to the environmental variables. The square-root thereof has been called the species-environmental correlation in CCA.

All scores in the dcca object are in scaling "sites" (1): the scaling with Focus on Case distances .


Kleyer, M., Dray, S., Bello, F., Lepš, J., Pakeman, R.J., Strauss, B., Thuiller, W. & Lavorel, S. (2012) Assessing species and community functional responses to environmental gradients: which multivariate methods? Journal of Vegetation Science, 23, 805-821. doi:10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.01402.x

ter Braak, CJF, Šmilauer P, and Dray S. 2018. Algorithms and biplots for double constrained correspondence analysis. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 25(2), 171-197. doi:10.1007/s10651-017-0395-x

ter Braak C.J.F. and P. Šmilauer (2018). Canoco reference manual and user's guide: software for ordination (version 5.1x). Microcomputer Power, Ithaca, USA, 536 pp.

Oksanen, J., et al. (2024) vegan: Community Ecology Package. R package version 2.6-6.1.

See Also

plot.dcca, scores.dcca, print.dcca and anova.dcca



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites

mod <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Manure,
             formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Seedmass + Lifespan,
             response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
             dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
             dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits,
			 verbose = FALSE)

print(mod) # same output as with verbose = TRUE (the default of verbose).																		 
anova(mod, by = "axis")
# For more demo on testing, see demo dune_test.r

mod_scores <- scores(mod)
# correlation of axes with a variable that is not in the model
scores(mod, display = "cor", scaling = "sym", which_cor = list(NULL, "X_lot"))

cat("head of unconstrained site scores, with meaning\n")

mod_scores_tidy <- scores(mod, tidy = TRUE)
print("names of the tidy scores")
cat("\nThe levels of the tidy scores\n")

cat("\nFor illustration: a dc-CA model with a trait covariate\n")
mod2 <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~ A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Manure,
              formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Lifespan + Condition(Seedmass),
              response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
              dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
              dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits)

cat("\nFor illustration: a dc-CA model with both environmental and trait covariates\n")
mod3 <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~A1 + Moist + Use + Manure + Condition(Mag),
              formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Lifespan + Condition(Seedmass),
              response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
              dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
              dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits, 
			  verbose = FALSE)

cat("\nFor illustration: same model but using dc_CA_object = mod2 for speed, ", 
    "as the trait model and data did not change\n")
mod3B <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~A1 + Moist + Use + Manure + Condition(Mag),
               dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
               dc_CA_object = mod2, 
			   verbose= FALSE)
cat("\ncheck on equality of mod3 (from data) and mod3B (from a dc_CA_object)\n",
    "the expected difference is in the component 'call'\n ")
print(all.equal(mod3, mod3B)) #  only the component call differs

Dune meadow data with plant species traits and environmental variables


The data dune_trait_env contains three data frames with abundance data of 28 plant species in 20 samples (relevés), trait data (9 traits: of which 5 morphological and 4 ecological (Ellenberg indicator values) and environmental data (9 environmental variables, four of which are geographic coordinates). Compared to the data in Jongman et al. (1987, 1995), the two moss species are lacking, and the traits of plant species and the geographic coordinates of the samples are added. The data and the following description are an edited version of the DataKey in the Jamil2013_AJ data set in the CESTES database (Jeliazkov et al. 2020).

The Dune Meadow Data originate from a MSc thesis report of Batterink & Wijffels (1983). It consisted of 80 relevés in about 68 dune meadows (lots) on the island Terschelling in the Netherlands. A subset of their data was selected by Caspar Looman as an example data set for the edited book Jongman, ter Braak and van Tongeren (1987, 1995). The subset consists of 20 relevés, 28 species (and 2 mosses, excluded here) and 5 environmental variables.

The trait data were taken from the LEDA database by Jamil et al 2013. The spatial coordinates were retrieved by geo-referencing in GIS of the maps in Batterink & Wijffels (1993) by Ruut Wegman and Cajo ter Braak. The X, Y coordinates are by geo-referencing the relevé locations on Kaart 3a, 3b and 3c; the X_lot, Y_lot coordinates are from Kaart 2a, 2b and 2c.

For the Ellenberg indicator values see Ellenberg (1992).

The data dune_trait_env is a list with elements that are data frames each

  • comm: community data; vegetation data.

  • traits: trait data, taken from the LEDA database.

  • envir: environmental data, taken from Jongman et al. (1987,1995).

The community data collection was done by the Braun-Blanquet method; the data are recorded according to the ordinal scale of van der Maarel (1979, Vegetatio, 39, 97-114); see pages XVII-XVIII and 18 in Jongman, ter Braak & van Tongeren 1995. Nomenclature follows Heukels-Van der Meijden (1983) Flora van Nederland, 20th ed.

The morphological traits are

  • SLA: Specific Leaf Area

  • Height: Canopy height of a shoot

  • LDMC: Lead dry matter content

  • Seedmass: Seed mass

  • Lifespan: Life span. Nominal; annual vs. perennial

The ecological traits (habitat requirements) are the Ellenberg values

  • F: Moisture (ranging [1 to 12] (low to high))

  • R: Soil acidity, ranging [1 to 9] (acidic to alkaline)

  • N: Nitrogen requirement, ranging [1 to 9] (low to high)

  • L: Light requirement, ranging [1 to 9] (low to high)

The data frame envir contains the environmental variables

  • A1: horizon thickness

  • Moist: Moisture content of the soil (a five point scale)

  • Mag: Grassland management type

  • Use: type of use (Agricultural grassland use (1) hay production (2) intermediate (3) grazing)

  • Manure: Quantity of manure applied based on N and P manuring (N/P class in B&W 1983)

  • X: longitude geographical coordinates (m) of the 2x2 m2 sample (relevé)

  • Y: latitude geographical coordinates (m) of the 2x2 m2 sample (relevé)

  • X_lot: longitude geographical coordinates (m) of the lot center

  • Y_lot: latitude geographical coordinates (m) of the lot center

The management types are standard farming (SF), biological farming (BF), hobby farming (HF), nature conservation management (NM). The coordinates are Rijksdriehoekscoordinaten in meters.


Batterink, M. & Wijffels, G. (1983) Een vergelijkend vegetatiekundig onderzoek naar de typologie en invloeden van het beheer van 1973 tot 1982 in de duinweilanden op Terschelling. Landbouwhogeschool. ISN 215909.01. WUR library stacks 704B58.

Ellenberg, H. (1992) Indicator values of plants in Central Europe. Scripta Geobotanica, 18, 258 pp.

Jamil, T., Ozinga, W.A., Kleyer, M. & ter Braak, C.J.F. (2013) Selecting traits that explain species–environment relationships: a generalized linear mixed model approach. Journal of Vegetation Science, 24, 988-1000. doi:10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.12036.x.

Jeliazkov, A., Mijatovic, D., and 78 others. (2020) A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space. Scientific Data, 7. doi:10.1038/s41597-019-0344-7.

Jongman, R.H.G., ter Braak, C.J.F. & van Tongeren, O.F.R. (1987) Data analysis in community and landscape ecology. Pudoc, Wageningen. ISBN 90-220-0908-4.

Jongman, R.H.G., ter Braak, C.J.F. & van Tongeren, O.F.R. (1995) Data analysis in community and landscape ecology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 0-521-47574-0.

Kleyer, M., and 33 others (2008) The LEDA Traitbase: a database of life-history traits of the Northwest European flora. Journal of Ecology, 96, 1266-1274. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2008.01430.x.

Calculate community weighted means and species niche centroids for double constrained correspondence analysis


Double constrained correspondence analysis (dc-CA) can be calculated directly from community weighted means (CWMs), with the trait data from which the CWMs are calculated, and the environmental data and weights for species and sites (the abundance totals for species and sites). Statistical testing at the species level requires also the species niche centroids (SNCs). The function fCWM_SNC calculates the CWMs and SNCs from the trait and environmental data, respectively, using a formula interface, so as to allow categorical traits and environmental variables. The resulting object can be set as the response argument in dc_CA so as to give the same output as a call to dc_CA with the abundance data as response, at least up to sign changes of the axes.


  response = NULL,
  dataEnv = NULL,
  dataTraits = NULL,
  formulaEnv = NULL,
  formulaTraits = NULL,
  divideBySiteTotals = TRUE,
  dc_CA_object = NULL,
  minimal_output = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE



matrix, data frame of the abundance data (dimension n x m) or list with community weighted means (CWMs) from fCWM_SNC. See Details for analyses starting from community weighted means. Rownames of response, if any, are carried through.


matrix or data frame of the row predictors, with rows corresponding to those in response. (dimension n x p).


matrix or data frame of the column predictors, with rows corresponding to the columns in response. (dimension m x q).


formula or one-sided formula for the rows (samples) with row predictors in dataEnv. When two-sided, the left hand side of the formula is not used. Specify row covariates (if any ) by adding + Condition(covariate-formula) to formulaEnv as in rda. The covariate-formula should not contain a ~ (tilde). Default: NULL for ~., i.e. all variables in dataEnv are predictor variables.


formula or one-sided formula for the columns (species) with column predictors in dataTraits. When two-sided, the left hand side of the formula is not used. Specify column covariates (if any ) by adding + Condition(covariate-formula) to formulaTraits as in cca. The covariate-formula should not contain a ~ (tilde). Default: NULL for ~., i.e. all variables in dataTraits are predictor traits.


logical; default TRUE for closing the data by dividing the rows in the response by their total.


optional object from an earlier run of this function. Useful if the same formula for the columns (formulaTraits), dataTraits and response are used with a new formula for the rows. If set, the data of the previous run is used and the result of its first step is taken for the new analysis.


logical. Default TRUE for use of the return value as response in a call to dc_CA.


logical for printing a simple summary (default: TRUE)


The argument formulaTraits determines which CWMs are calculated. The CWMs are calculated from the trait data (non-centered, non-standardized). With trait covariates, the other predictor traits are adjusted for the trait covariates by weighted regression, after which the overall weighted mean trait is added. This has the advantage that each CWM has the scale of the original trait.

The SNCs are calculated analogously from environmental data.

Empty (all zero) rows and columns in response are removed from the response and the corresponding rows from dataEnv and dataTraits. Subsequently, any columns with missing values are removed from dataEnv and dataTraits. It gives an error (object 'name_of_variable' not found), if variables with missing entries are specified in formulaEnv and formulaTraits.

In the current implementation, formulaEnv and formulaTraits should contain variable names as is, i.e. transformations of variables in the formulas gives an error ('undefined columns selected') when the scores function is applied.


The default returns a list of CWM, SNC, weights, formulaTraits and inertia (weighted variance explained by the traits and by the environmental variables) a list of data with elements dataEnv and dataTraits. When minimal_output = FALSE, some more statistics are given that are mainly technical or recomputed when the return value is used as response in a call to dc_CA.


Kleyer, M., Dray, S., Bello, F., Lepš, J., Pakeman, R.J., Strauss, B., Thuiller, W. & Lavorel, S. (2012) Assessing species and community functional responses to environmental gradients: which multivariate methods? Journal of Vegetation Science, 23, 805-821. doi:10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.01402.x

ter Braak, CJF, Šmilauer P, and Dray S. 2018. Algorithms and biplots for double constrained correspondence analysis. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 25(2), 171-197. doi:10.1007/s10651-017-0395-x

ter Braak C.J.F. and P. Šmilauer (2018). Canoco reference manual and user's guide: software for ordination (version 5.1x). Microcomputer Power, Ithaca, USA, 536 pp.

Oksanen, J., et al. (2022) vegan: Community Ecology Package. R package version 2.6-4.

See Also

dc_CA, plot.dcca, scores.dcca, print.dcca and anova.dcca



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites

CWMSNC <- fCWM_SNC(formulaEnv = ~ A1 + Moist + Manure + Use + Condition(Mag),
                   formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Condition(Seedmass) + Lifespan,
                   response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
                   dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
                   dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits)
#CWMSNC$SNC <- NULL # would give correct dc-CA but no species-level t-values or test
mod <- dc_CA(response = CWMSNC) # formulas and data are in CWMSNC!
# note that output also gives the environment-constrained inertia,
# which is a bonus compare to the usual way to carry out a dcCA.

Fitted values of double-constrained correspondence analysis (dc-CA)


Community weighted means (CWM) and species-niche centroids (SNC), as fitted (in full or reduced rank) from the environmental data and trait data, respectively, and the fitted response from trait and environment data.


## S3 method for class 'dcca'
fitted(object, ..., type = c("CWM", "SNC", "response"), rank = "full")



return value of dc_CA.


Other arguments passed to the function (currently ignored).


type of prediction, c( "CWM","SNC", "response") for environmental values, values of traits, response (expected abundance).


rank (number of axes to use). Default "full" for all axes (no rank-reduction).


If type="response" the rowsums of object$data$Y are used to scale the fit to these sums. Many of the predicted response values may be negative, indicating expected absences (0) or small expected response values.


a matrix with fitted value. The exact content of the matrix depends on the type of fits that are asked for.



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites

mod <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~ A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Condition(Manure),
             formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Condition(Seedmass) + Lifespan,
             response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
             dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
             dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits, 
             verbose = FALSE)
# fit the mean traits at each site (20x6),
# that is CWM at each site
CWM.traits <- fitted(mod, type = "CWM")

# fit the mean environment for each species (28x8)
# that is SNC of each species
SNC.env <- fitted(mod, type = "SNC")

fit.resp <- fitted(mod, type = "response")
# fitted often gives negative values and dc_CA cannot have negatives in the 
# response so, modify fit.resp,
# which gives about similar eigenvalues as the original data
fit.resp[fit.resp < 0] <- 0
mod3 <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = mod$formulaEnv,
              formulaTraits = mod$formulaTraits,
              response = fit.resp, 
              dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
              dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits, 
              verbose = FALSE)
mod3$eigenvalues / mod$eigenvalues

Utility function: extracting data from a dc_CA object for plotting a single axis by your own code or plot.dcca.


getPlotdata extracts data from a dc_CA object for plotting the CWMs and SNCs of a single axis.


  axis = 1,
  envfactor = NULL,
  traitfactor = NULL,
  newnames = NULL,
  facet = TRUE,
  remove_centroids = FALSE



results from dc_CA of class dcca.


the axis number to get (default 1).


name of row factor to display as color and lines in the CWM plot (default NULL). The default extracts the factor from the environmental model. If set to NA, no additional coloring and lines are displayed in plot.dcca. The parameter sets the groups variable in the CWM_SNC data frame of the return value/in the plot.


name of column factor to display as color and lines in the SNC plot (default NULL). The default extracts the factor from the trait model. If set to NA, no additional coloring and lines are displayed in plot.dcca. The parameter sets the groups variable in the CWM_SNC data frame of the return value/in the plot.


a list with two elements: names for traits and for environmental variables, default NULL for names derived from the result of scores.dcca with tidy = TRUE.


logical. Default TRUE for CWMs and SNCs plots in separate panels. If FALSE, this parameter changes the position of the environmental centroid names (from left to right).


logical to remove any centroids from the plot data (default FALSE). Can be a two-vector, e.g. c(TRUE, FALSE) to remove only the trait centroids.


The current implementation sets the traitfactor to NA if the trait model contains more than a single trait factor and the envfactor to NA if the environmental model contains more than a single environmental factor.


A list with three components


a data.frame containing plot data


a vector of scores per trait/environment


a vector of new names to be used in the plot



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites

# must delete "Sites" from response matrix or data frame
Y <- dune_trait_env$comm[, -1] # must delete "Sites"

out <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~ A1 + Moist + Use + Manure + Mag,
                   formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Seedmass + Lifespan,
                   response = Y,
                   dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
                   dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits,
                   verbose = FALSE)
dat <- getPlotdata(out)


Plot the CWMs and SNCs of a single dc-CA axis.


plot_dcCA_CWM_SNC plots the CWMs and SNCs of a dc-CA axis against this axis, with optional centroids and colors for groups of sites and/or species if available in the data.


  axis = 1,
  envfactor = NULL,
  traitfactor = NULL,
  facet = TRUE,
  newnames = NULL,
  remove_centroids = FALSE,
  with_lines = 2,
  formula = y ~ x,
  getPlotdata2plotdCCA = NULL



results from dc_CA of class dcca.


the axis number to get (default 1).


name of row factor to display as color and lines in the CWM plot (default NULL). The default extracts the factor from the environmental model. If set to NA, no additional coloring and lines are displayed in plot.dcca. The parameter sets the groups variable in the CWM_SNC data frame of the return value/in the plot.


name of column factor to display as color and lines in the SNC plot (default NULL). The default extracts the factor from the trait model. If set to NA, no additional coloring and lines are displayed in plot.dcca. The parameter sets the groups variable in the CWM_SNC data frame of the return value/in the plot.


logical. Default TRUE for CWMs and SNCs plots in separate panels. This parameter changes the position of the centroid names (from left to right for the environmental centroids). If facet = TRUE and with_lines = TRUE, the line fits ignore groups of species and of sites.


a list with two elements: names for traits and for environmental variables, default NULL for names derived from the result of scores.dcca with tidy = TRUE.


logical to remove any centroids from the plot data (default FALSE). Can be a two-vector, e.g. c(TRUE, FALSE) to remove only the trait centroids.


integer values (0,1,2). Default 2 for straight lines through groups of points, with confidence intervals around the lines. with_lines=1 drops the confidence intervals and with_lines=0 suppresses the lines.


formula to use by ggplot geom_smooth (default y~x).


the results of an getPlotdata. Default NULL.


The argument getPlotdata2plotdCCA is to allow some modifications of the data frame resulting from getPlotdata. The variable names and score levels should remain untouched. plot_dcCA_CWM_SNC uses the variables: dcCAk with axis number k and "CWM-SNC", "groups", "points", "sizeweight" for the y-axis, coloring, shape and size of items, respectively.

The current implementation does not distinguish groups of points, if there are two or more factors specified in the model. No lines are plotted if a single factor defines a model.

The function is used in plot.dcca.


a ggplot object



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites

# must delete "Sites" from response matrix or data frame
Y <- dune_trait_env$comm[, -1] # must delete "Sites"

out <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~ A1 + Moist + Use + Manure + Condition(Mag),
             formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Seedmass + Lifespan,
             response = Y,
             dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
             dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits,
             verbose = FALSE)

plot_dcCA_CWM_SNC(out, facet = FALSE)

Vertical ggplot2 line plot of ordination scores


plot_species_scores_bk creates a vertical line plot of ordination scores with selection criterion for which scores to plot with names.


  ylab = "scores",
  threshold = 7,
  y_lab_interval = 0.5,
  speciesname = NULL,
  scoresname = "RDA1",
  selectname = "Fratio1",
  speciesgroup = NULL,
  expand = 0.2,
  verbose = TRUE



a species-by-scores matrix, a data frame with row names (species names) or a tibble with variable with name speciesname containing species names and a column or variable with name scoresname containing the scores (default: "RDA1"), e.g. species scores from library vegan.


y-axis label. Default: $b_k$.


species with criterion (specified by selectname) higher than the threshold are displayed. Default: 7 (which is the threshold F-ratio for testing a single regression coefficient at p = 0.01 with 60 df for the error in a multiple regression of each single species onto the condition and the ordination axis). If selectname is not in species_scores, the threshold is divided by 14, so that the default is 0.5.


interval of the y-axis ticks. A tick at no effect (0) is always included; default: 0.5.


name of the variable containing the species names (default NULL uses row names).


name of the column or variable containing the species scores to be plotted (default "RDA1").


name of the column or variable containing the criterion for the selection of species to be displayed. Default: "Fratio1"; if selectname is not found in species_scores, set to scoresname.


name of the factor, the levels of which receive different colors in the vertical plot.


amount of extension of the line plot (default 0.2).


logical for printing the number of species with names out of the total number (default: TRUE).


The absolute value of the criterion values is taken before selection, so that also the species scores of the ordination can serve as a criterion (e.g. selectname = "RDA1"). The function has been copied from the PRC package at

The function is used in plot.dcca.


a ggplot object



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites

mod <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Manure,
             formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Seedmass + Lifespan,
             response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
             dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
             dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits,
             verbose = FALSE)

env_scores <- scores(mod, display = "tval")

env_scores <- data.frame(env_scores)
env_scores$group <- c("quantitative", "category")[c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1)]									
  species_scores = env_scores,
  ylab = "optimistic t-values",  threshold = 0,  y_lab_interval = 1,
  scoresname = "dcCA1", speciesgroup = "group", verbose = FALSE

Plot a single dc-CA axis with CWMs, SNCs, trait and environment scores.


plot.dcca plots the CWMs and SNCs of a dc-CA axis against this axis, with optional centroids and colors for groups of sites and/or species if available in the data.


## S3 method for class 'dcca'
  axis = 1,
  gradient_description = "correlation",
  envfactor = NULL,
  traitfactor = NULL,
  nspecies = 20,
  species_groups = NULL,
  widths = c(5, 1, 1),
  newnames = NULL,
  facet = TRUE,
  remove_centroids = FALSE,
  with_lines = 2,
  flip_axis = FALSE,
  expand = 0.2,
  formula = y ~ x,
  verbose = TRUE



results from dc_CA of class dcca.




the axis number to get (default 1).


character or 2-character vector for the trait and environmental gradient, respectively specifying what to plot in the vertical line plots to describe the dc-CA axis (trait and environmental gradients). Default: correlation for intra-set correlations of both sets of variables with their dc-CA axis. Other values are: c("weights", "tvalues", "inter_set_correlation") for regression weights, t-values and inter-set correlation, being the correlation of the SNCs and CWMs with the traits and environmental variables, respectively. "regression" is an alias for "weights".


name of row factor to display as color and lines in the CWM plot (default NULL). The default extracts the factor from the environmental model. If set to NA, no additional coloring and lines are displayed in plot.dcca. The parameter sets the groups variable in the CWM_SNC data frame of the return value/in the plot.


name of column factor to display as color and lines in the SNC plot (default NULL). The default extracts the factor from the trait model. If set to NA, no additional coloring and lines are displayed in plot.dcca. The parameter sets the groups variable in the CWM_SNC data frame of the return value/in the plot.


integer. Default 20 for including a vertical species plot with at most nspecies that have the highest contribution.


name of a variable in dataTraits of dc_CA. Default NULL for no grouping. Species groups are colored differentially.


relative widths of the CWM-SNC plot, the correlation/weight plot and the species plot. (see grid.arrange). Default c(5, 1, 1).


a list with two elements: names for traits and for environmental variables, default NULL for names derived from the result of scores.dcca with tidy = TRUE.


logical. Default TRUE for CWMs and SNCs plots in separate panels. This parameter changes the position of the centroid names (from left to right for the environmental centroids). If facet = FALSE and with_lines = TRUE, the line fits ignore groups of species and of sites.


logical to remove any centroids from the plot data (default FALSE). Can be a two-vector, e.g. c(TRUE, FALSE) to remove only the trait centroids.


integer values (0,1,2). Default 2 for straight lines through groups of points, with confidence intervals around the lines. with_lines=1 drops the confidence intervals and with_lines=0 suppresses the lines.


flip the direction of the axis? (default FALSE).


amount of extension of the line plot (default 0.2).


formula to use by ggplot geom_smooth (default y~x).


logical. Default TRUE for plotting the result.


The current implementation does not distinguish groups of points, if there are two or more factors specified in the model. If you want to label one trait factor, specify traitfactor="yourfactor" and similarly specify envfactor="yourfactor" for your environmental factor.

No lines are plotted if a single factor defines a model.

If you want to set new names, look at the names with all arguments default, i.e. myplot <- plot(x), and then consult myplot$nameList$newnames for the order of the names of traits and environmental variables. Note that covariates should not be in the list of names. Contribution (in the definition of species selection in nspecies) is defined (as in CA) as the total species abundance in the (possibly, closed) data multiplied by the square of the score on the axis.

If the plot.dcca returns the error "Error in grid.Call", enlarge the plotting area or use verbose = FALSE and assign the result.


a ggplot object



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites

# must delete "Sites" from response matrix or data frame
Y <- dune_trait_env$comm[, -1] # must delete "Sites"

out <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~ A1 + Moist + Use + Manure + Mag,
                   formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Seedmass + Lifespan,
                   response = Y,
                   dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
                   dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits,
                   verbose = FALSE)
dat <- getPlotdata(out)


Prediction for double-constrained correspondence analysis (dc-CA)


Prediction of traits from environment, environment from traits and response from trait and environment data.


## S3 method for class 'dcca'
  type = c("envFromTraits", "traitsFromEnv", "response", "SNC", "CWM", "lc", "lc_traits"),
  rank = "full",
  newdata = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  scaling = "symmetric"



return value of dc_CA.


Other arguments passed to the function (currently ignored).


type of prediction, c("envFromTraits", "traitsFromEnv", "response", "lc", "lc_traits") for environmental values, values of traits, response (expected abundance) and constrained scores for sites and species. "SNC" is equivalent with "envFromTraits". "CWM" is equivalent with "traitsFromEnv".


rank (number of axes to use). Default "full" for all axes (no rank-reduction).


Data in which to look for variables with which to predict. For type = "envFromTraits" or "traitsFromEnv" or type = "lc_traits" or "lc", newdata is a data frame of trait and environmental values, respectively, which are used for the prediction or the calculation of scores. If omitted, fitted values are generated (use fitted.dcca instead). For type = "response", newdata is a list of two data frames with trait and environmental values in this order, e.g. list(traits = dataTraits, env = dataEnv).


list of weights of species and of sites in newdata when type = "response", else ignored (default NULL yielding equal species and site weights, both summing to 1). Example: weights = list(species = c(100, 1, 1), sites = c(1, 1, 1, 1)), in that order, with traits of three new species in newdata[[1]] and environmental values (and levels of factors) of four new sites in newdata[[2]]. Species weights are scaled to a sum of one.


numeric (1,2 or 3) or character "sites", "species" or "symmetric". Default: "symmetric". Either site- (1) or species- (2) related scores are scaled by eigenvalues, and the other set of scores have unit weighted mean square or with 3 both are scaled symmetrically to weighted mean squares equal to the square root of eigenvalues. Negative values are treated as the corresponding positive ones by abs(scaling).


Variables that are in the model but not in newdata are set to their weighted means in the training data. Predictions are thus at the (weighted) mean of the quantitative variables not included. Predictions with not-included factors are at the reference level (the first level of the factor).

For type = "response", many of the predicted values may be negative, indicating expected absences (0) or small expected response values.

With type = "traitsFromEnv" and newdata = NULL, predict gives the fitted mean traits, i.e. the fitted community weighted means. With type = "envFromTraits" and newdata = NULL, predict gives the fitted mean environment, i.e. the fitted species niche centroids (see fitted.dcca). See fitted.dcca.


a matrix with the predictions. The exact content of the matrix depends on the type of predictions that are being made.



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites

mod <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~ A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Condition(Manure),
             formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Condition(Seedmass) + Lifespan,
             response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
             dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
             dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits,
             verbose = FALSE)

# Ten 'new' sites with a subset of the variables in mod 
# X_lot will be ignored as it is not part of the model
newEnv <- dune_trait_env$envir[1:10, c("A1", "Mag", "Manure", "X_lot")]
newEnv[2,"A1"] <- 3.0
rownames(newEnv) <- paste0("NewSite", 1:10)

pred.traits <- predict(mod, type = "traitsFromEnv", newdata = newEnv)

# Eight 'new' species with a subset of traits that are included in the model 
# Variable "L" will be ignored as it is not in the model 
newTraits <- dune_trait_env$traits[1:8, c("Species", "SLA", "LDMC", "L")]
newTraits[3,"SLA"]<- 18 
rownames(newTraits) <- paste("Species",LETTERS[1:8] )# or another meaningful name.

pred.env <- predict(mod, type = "envFromTraits", newdata = newTraits)

pred.resp <- predict(mod, type = "response", newdata = list(newTraits, newEnv),
                     weights = list(species = rep(1:2, 4), sites = rep(1, 10)))
colSums(pred.resp) # about alternating 0.8 and 1.6 (reflecting the new species weights)
rowSums(pred.resp) # about equal rowsums

Print a summary of a dc-CA object.


Print a summary of a dc-CA object.


## S3 method for class 'dcca'
print(x, ...)



a dc-CA object from dc_CA.


Other arguments passed to the function (currently ignored).


x <- print(x) is more efficient for scores.dcca than just print(x) if dc_CA is called with verbose = FALSE).


No return value, results are printed to console.



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites

mod <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Manure,
             formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Seedmass + Lifespan,
             response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
             dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
             dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits,
			 verbose = FALSE)

print(mod) # same output as with verbose = TRUE (the default of verbose).																		 
anova(mod, by = "axis")
# For more demo on testing, see demo dune_test.r

mod_scores <- scores(mod)
# correlation of axes with a variable that is not in the model
scores(mod, display = "cor", scaling = "sym", which_cor = list(NULL, "X_lot"))

cat("head of unconstrained site scores, with meaning\n")

mod_scores_tidy <- scores(mod, tidy = TRUE)
print("names of the tidy scores")
cat("\nThe levels of the tidy scores\n")

cat("\nFor illustration: a dc-CA model with a trait covariate\n")
mod2 <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~ A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Manure,
              formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Lifespan + Condition(Seedmass),
              response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
              dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
              dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits)

cat("\nFor illustration: a dc-CA model with both environmental and trait covariates\n")
mod3 <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~A1 + Moist + Use + Manure + Condition(Mag),
              formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Lifespan + Condition(Seedmass),
              response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
              dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
              dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits, 
			  verbose = FALSE)

cat("\nFor illustration: same model but using dc_CA_object = mod2 for speed, ", 
    "as the trait model and data did not change\n")
mod3B <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~A1 + Moist + Use + Manure + Condition(Mag),
               dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
               dc_CA_object = mod2, 
			   verbose= FALSE)
cat("\ncheck on equality of mod3 (from data) and mod3B (from a dc_CA_object)\n",
    "the expected difference is in the component 'call'\n ")
print(all.equal(mod3, mod3B)) #  only the component call differs

Print a summary of a wrda object


Print a summary of a wrda object


## S3 method for class 'wrda'
print(x, ...)



a wrda object from wrda


Other arguments passed to the function (currently ignored).


No return value, results are printed to console.



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites
response <- dune_trait_env$comm[, -1]  # must delete "Sites"

w <- rep(1, 20) 
w[1:10] <- 8 
w[17:20] <- 0.5

object <- wrda(formula = ~ A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Condition(Manure),
               response = response, 
               data = dune_trait_env$envir, 
               weights = w)
object # Proportions equal to those Canoco 5.15

mod_scores <- scores(object, display = "all")
scores(object, which_cor = c("A1", "X_lot"), display = "cor")

Extract results of a double constrained correspondence analysis (dc-CA)


This function works very much like the vegan scores function, in particular scores.cca, with the additional results such as regression coefficients and linear combinations of traits ('reg_traits', 'lc_traits'). All scores from CA obey the so called transition formulas and so do the scores of CCA and dc-CA. The differences are, for CCA, that the linear combinations of environmental variables (the constrained site scores) replace the usual (unconstrained) site scores, and for dc-CA, that the linear combinations of traits (the constrained species scores) also replace the usual (unconstrained) species scores in the transition formulas.


## S3 method for class 'dcca'
  choices = 1:2,
  display = "all",
  scaling = "sym",
  which_cor = "in model",
  normed = TRUE,
  tidy = FALSE



object of class "dcca", i.e. result of dc_CA.


Other arguments passed to the function (currently ignored).


integer vector of which axes to obtain. Default: all dc-CA axes.


a character vector, one or more of c("all", "species", "sites", "sp", "wa", "lc", "bp", "cor", "ic", "reg", "tval", "cn", "lc_traits", "reg_traits", "tval_traits", "cor_traits", "ic_traits", "bp_traits", "cn_traits"). The most items are as in scores.cca, except "cor" and "ic", for inter-set and intra-set correlations, respectively, and "tval" for the (over-optimistic) t-values of the regression coefficients. The remaining scores are analogous scores for species and traits.


numeric (1,2 or 3) or character "sites", "species" or "symmetric". Default: "symmetric". Either site- (1) or species- (2) related scores are scaled by eigenvalues, and the other set of scores have unit weighted mean square or with 3 both are scaled symmetrically to weighted mean squares equal to the square root of eigenvalues. Negative values are treated as the corresponding positive ones by abs(scaling).


character or list of trait and environmental variables names (in this order) in the data frames for which inter-set correlations must calculated. Default: a character ("in_model") for all traits and variables in the model, including collinear variables and levels.


logical (default TRUE) giving standardized regression coefficients and biplot scores. When FALSE, (regular) regression coefficients and (unstandardized) biplot scores.


Return scores that are compatible with ggplot2: all scores are in a single data.frame, score type is identified by factor variable score, the names by variable label, and species weights (in dc_CA are in variable weight. See scores.cca.


The function is modeled after scores.cca.

The t-ratios are taken from a multiple regression of the unconstrained species (or site) scores on to the traits (or environmental variables).

An example of which_cor is: which_cor = list(traits = "SLA", env = c("acidity", "humidity")).


A data frame if tidy = TRUE. Otherwise, a matrix if a single item is asked for and a named list of matrices if more than one item is asked for. The following names can be included: c("sites", "constraints_sites", "centroids", "regression", "t_values", "correlation", "intra_set_correlation", "biplot", "species", "constraints_species", "regression_traits", "t_values_traits", "correlation_traits", "intra_set_correlation_traits", "biplot_traits", "centroids_traits"). Each matrix has an attribute "meaning" explaining its meaning. With tidy = TRUE, the resulting data frame has attributes "scaling" and "meaning"; the latter has two columns: (1) name of score type and (2) its meaning, usage and interpretation.

An example of the meaning of scores in scaling "symmetric" with display ="all":


CMWs of the trait axes (constraints species) in scaling 'symmetric' optimal for biplots and, almost so, for inter-site distances.


linear combination of the environmental predictors and the covariates (making the ordination axes orthogonal to the covariates) in scaling 'symmetric' optimal for biplots and, almost so, for inter-site distances.


mean, sd, VIF, standardized regression coefficients and their optimistic t-ratio in scaling 'symmetric'.


t-values of the coefficients of the regression of the CWMs of the trait composite on to the environmental variables


inter set correlation, correlation between environmental variables and the sites scores (CWMs)


intra set correlation, correlation between environmental variables and the dc-ca axis (constrained sites scores)


biplot scores of environmental variables for display with biplot-traits for fourth-corner correlations in scaling 'symmetric'.


environmental category means of the site scores in scaling 'symmetric' optimal for biplots and, almost so, for inter-environmental category distances.


SNC on the environmental axes (constraints sites) in scaling 'symmetric' optimal for biplots and, almost so, for inter-species distances.


linear combination of the traits and the trait covariates (making the ordination axes orthogonal to the covariates) in scaling 'symmetric' optimal for biplots and, almost so, for inter-species distances.


mean, sd, VIF, standardized regression coefficients and their optimistic t-ratio in scaling 'symmetric'.


t-values of the coefficients of the regression of the SNCs along a dc-CA axis on to the traits


inter set correlation, correlation between traits and the species scores (SNCs)


intra set correlation, correlation between traits and the dc-ca axis (constrained species scores)


biplot scores of traits for display with biplot scores for fourth-corner correlation in scaling 'symmetric'.


trait category means of the species scores in scaling 'symmetric' optimal for biplots and, almost so, for inter-trait category distances.

The statements on optimality for distance interpretations are based on the scaling and the relative magnitude of the dc-CA eigenvalues of the chosen axes.



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites

mod <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Manure,
             formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Seedmass + Lifespan,
             response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
             dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
             dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits,
			 verbose = FALSE)

print(mod) # same output as with verbose = TRUE (the default of verbose).																		 
anova(mod, by = "axis")
# For more demo on testing, see demo dune_test.r

mod_scores <- scores(mod)
# correlation of axes with a variable that is not in the model
scores(mod, display = "cor", scaling = "sym", which_cor = list(NULL, "X_lot"))

cat("head of unconstrained site scores, with meaning\n")

mod_scores_tidy <- scores(mod, tidy = TRUE)
print("names of the tidy scores")
cat("\nThe levels of the tidy scores\n")

cat("\nFor illustration: a dc-CA model with a trait covariate\n")
mod2 <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~ A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Manure,
              formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Lifespan + Condition(Seedmass),
              response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
              dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
              dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits)

cat("\nFor illustration: a dc-CA model with both environmental and trait covariates\n")
mod3 <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~A1 + Moist + Use + Manure + Condition(Mag),
              formulaTraits = ~ SLA + Height + LDMC + Lifespan + Condition(Seedmass),
              response = dune_trait_env$comm[, -1],  # must delete "Sites"
              dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
              dataTraits = dune_trait_env$traits, 
			  verbose = FALSE)

cat("\nFor illustration: same model but using dc_CA_object = mod2 for speed, ", 
    "as the trait model and data did not change\n")
mod3B <- dc_CA(formulaEnv = ~A1 + Moist + Use + Manure + Condition(Mag),
               dataEnv = dune_trait_env$envir,
               dc_CA_object = mod2, 
			   verbose= FALSE)
cat("\ncheck on equality of mod3 (from data) and mod3B (from a dc_CA_object)\n",
    "the expected difference is in the component 'call'\n ")
print(all.equal(mod3, mod3B)) #  only the component call differs

Extract results of a weighted redundancy analysis (wrda)


This function works very much like the vegan scores function, in particular scores.cca, but with regression coefficients for predictors.


## S3 method for class 'wrda'
  choices = 1:2,
  display = "all",
  scaling = "sym",
  which_cor = "in model",
  normed = TRUE,
  tidy = FALSE



object of class "wrda", i.e. result of wrda.


Other arguments passed to the function (currently ignored).


integer vector of which axes to obtain. Default: all wrda axes.


a character vector, one or more of c("all", "species", "sites", "sp", "wa", "lc", "bp", "cor", "ic", "reg", "tval", "cn"). The most items are as in scores.cca, except "cor" and "ic", for inter-set and intra-set correlations, respectively, and "tval" for the (over-optimistic) t-values of the regression coefficients.


numeric (1,2 or 3) or character "sites", "species" or "symmetric". Default: "symmetric". Either site- (1) or species- (2) related scores are scaled by eigenvalues, and the other set of scores have unit weighted mean square or with 3 both are scaled symmetrically to weighted mean squares equal to the square root of eigenvalues. Negative values are treated as the corresponding positive ones by abs(scaling).


character vector environmental variables names in the data frames for which inter-set correlations must calculated. Default: a character ("in_model") for all predictors in the model, including collinear variables and levels.


logical (default TRUE) giving standardized regression coefficients and biplot scores. When FALSE, (regular) regression coefficients and (unstandardized) biplot scores.


Return scores that are compatible with ggplot2: all variable score, the names by variable label. See weights (in dc_CA are in variable weight. See scores.cca.


The function is modeled after scores.cca.

An example of which_cor is: which_cor = c("acidity", "humidity")


A data frame if tidy = TRUE. Otherwise, a matrix if a single item is asked for and a named list of matrices if more than one item is asked for. The following names can be included: c("sites", "constraints_sites", "centroids", "regression", "t_values", "correlation", "intra_set_correlation", "biplot", "species"). Each matrix has an attribute "meaning" explaining its meaning. With tidy = TRUE, the resulting data frame has attributes "scaling" and "meaning"; the latter has two columns: (1) name of score type and (2) its meaning, usage and interpretation.

An example of the meaning of scores in scaling "symmetric" with display = "all":


CMWs of the trait axes (constraints species) in scaling 'symmetric' optimal for biplots and, almost so, for inter-site distances.


linear combination of the environmental predictors and the covariates (making the ordination axes orthogonal to the covariates) in scaling 'symmetric' optimal for biplots and, almost so, for inter-site distances.


mean, sd, VIF, standardized regression coefficients and their optimistic t-ratio in scaling 'symmetric'.


t-values of the coefficients of the regression of the CWMs of the trait composite on to the environmental variables


inter set correlation, correlation between environmental variables and the sites scores (CWMs)


intra set correlation, correlation between environmental variables and the dc-ca axis (constrained sites scores)


biplot scores of environmental variables for display with biplot-traits for fourth-corner correlations in scaling 'symmetric'.


environmental category means of the site scores in scaling 'symmetric' optimal for biplots and, almost so, for inter-environmental category distances.


SNC on the environmental axes (constraints sites) in scaling 'symmetric' optimal for biplots and, almost so, for inter-species distances.

The statements on optimality for distance interpretations are based on the scaling and the relative magnitude of the dc-CA eigenvalues of the chosen axes.



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites
response <- dune_trait_env$comm[, -1]  # must delete "Sites"

w <- rep(1, 20) 
w[1:10] <- 8 
w[17:20] <- 0.5

object <- wrda(formula = ~ A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Condition(Manure),
               response = response, 
               data = dune_trait_env$envir, 
               weights = w)
object # Proportions equal to those Canoco 5.15

mod_scores <- scores(object, display = "all")
scores(object, which_cor = c("A1", "X_lot"), display = "cor")

Performs a weighted redundancy analysis


wrda is formula-based implementation of weighted redundancy analysis.


wrda(formula, response, data, weights = rep(1, nrow(data)), verbose = TRUE)



one or two-sided formula for the rows (samples) with row predictors in data. The left hand side of the formula is ignored as it is specified in the next argument (response). Specify row covariates (if any ) by adding + Condition(covariate-formula) to formula as in rda. The covariate-formula should not contain a ~ (tilde).


matrix or data frame of the abundance data (dimension n x m). Rownames of response, if any, are carried through.


matrix or data frame of the row predictors, with rows corresponding to those in response (dimension n x p).


row weights (a vector). If not specified unit weights are used.


logical for printing a simple summary (default: TRUE)


The algorithm is a modified version of published R-code for weighted redundancy analysis (ter Braak, 2022).

In the current implementation, formula should contain variable names as is, i.e. transformations of variables in the formulas gives an error ('undefined columns selected') when the scores function is applied.

Compared to rda, wrda does not have residual axes, i.e. no SVD or PCA of the residuals is performed.


All scores in the dcca object are in scaling "sites" (1): the scaling with Focus on Case distances.


ter Braak C.J.F. and P. Šmilauer (2018). Canoco reference manual and user's guide: software for ordination (version 5.1x). Microcomputer Power, Ithaca, USA, 536 pp.

Oksanen, J., et al. (2022) vegan: Community Ecology Package. R package version 2.6-4.

See Also

scores.wrda, anova.wrda, print.wrda



# rownames are carried forward in results
rownames(dune_trait_env$comm) <- dune_trait_env$comm$Sites
response <- dune_trait_env$comm[, -1]  # must delete "Sites"

w <- rep(1, 20) 
w[1:10] <- 8 
w[17:20] <- 0.5

object <- wrda(formula = ~ A1 + Moist + Mag + Use + Condition(Manure),
               response = response, 
               data = dune_trait_env$envir, 
               weights = w)
object # Proportions equal to those Canoco 5.15

mod_scores <- scores(object, display = "all")
scores(object, which_cor = c("A1", "X_lot"), display = "cor")