- douconca::dune_trait_envDune meadow data with plant species traits and environmental variables
- LMMsolver::APSIMdatSimulated Biomass as function of time using APSIM wheat.
- LMMsolver::SeaSurfaceTempSea Surface Temperature
- LMMsolver::multipopSimulated QTL mapping data set
- statgenGWAS::dropsMapDROPS data sets
- statgenGWAS::dropsMarkersDROPS data sets
- statgenGWAS::dropsPhenoDROPS data sets
- statgenGxE::TDMaizeField data for a maize experiment in Tlaltizapan, Mexico
- statgenGxE::dropsPhenoDROPS data set
- statgenHTP::PhenoarchDat1Greenhouse data for a maize experiment in the PhenoArch platform.
- statgenHTP::PhenovatorDat1Growth chamber data for an Arabidopsis experiment in the Phenovator platform.
- statgenHTP::RootDat1Greenhouse data for an experiment in the RootPhAir platform.
- statgenHTP::noCorrectedRootRoot data corrected for outliers for single observations.
- statgenHTP::spatCorrectedArchMaize data corrected for spatial trends.
- statgenHTP::spatCorrectedVatorArabidopsis data corrected for spatial trends.
- statgenHTP::spatPredArchMaize data, genotypic predictions.
- statgenMPP::barleyMQMPre-computed MQM output barley
- statgenMPP::barleyPhenoPhenotypic data for awn length in barley
- statgenMPP::maizeMQMPre-computed MQM output maize
- statgenMPP::maizeSQMPre-computed SQM output maize
- statgenSTA::TDHeat05Field data for a wheat experiment in Mexico
- statgenSTA::TDMaizeField data for a maize experiment in Tlaltizapan, Mexico
- statgenSTA::dropsRawDROPS data set